Timothy Lee Fortune (“Tim Tim”) was 71 years alive when he passed away on November 10, 2017 in his home in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Born in Fargo, North Dakota July 16, 1946, Tim is survived by his brother, William F. Fortune III (and Marlowe); several nieces and nephews; his best friend, Janet Anderson, and his son, Adam Daniel Hebert.

Tim was a very private and formal person in life and normally an obituary would be a structured biographical sketch recounting the most important events of a person’s life. However, Tim was no ordinary man nor was his life something that can be summed up in a small structured newspaper article illustrating his accomplishments in chronological order. Though completely dedicated and proud of his education and career, his legacy is not limited to only his accolades and badge. Tim’s legacy is in the people and lives that he touched with his generous spirit and caring heart while he walked this earth. Although Tim would be mildly upset by not following protocol, obituaries are for the living and I’m authoring this one, so… ‘This is Tim.’

Tim lived his entire life with a set of core values, love, respect, and virtues that simply don’t exist anymore. He lived a quiet life of service putting everyone’s life in front of his own without regret or expectations. He welcomed anyone with open arms and never once judged them based on anything but their heart. On the outside he appeared ordinary and humble in every way, yet if you truly knew him your life was forever changed for the better. He was a teacher and mentor to anyone willing to learn, he was a shoulder to cry on during a tragedy, he listened when you needed to talk, and he offered words of wisdom and guidance when you needed direction. He was there to celebrate your victories with child-like enthusiasm and praise your accomplishments no matter how big or small. He recognized effort as much as he did success, he helped find lessons in failure, and he forgave quickly. In every detail Tim was truly a great man and (for me) above all else he was a great father and friend.

Tim also loved animals, specifically dogs. It’s quite possible that he enjoyed the company of dogs slightly more than that of humans. He would come over carrying 2 to 4 Slim Jims and a bag filled with dog treats and bones which he kept stock of in his car. He’d say the Slim Jims were for us, but he’d insist that we share them with the dogs as well. Sometimes he’d stop talking mid-sentence just to make strange noises and get the dogs riled up, then he’d bellow a deep laugh in pure joy and turn back to you to continue talking as if nothing had just happened. There were also countless times he sat at the head of the table during dinner while I watched him secretly sneak large amounts of food from his plate to his lap so the dogs can eat it without me knowing. He didn’t mind cats or other animals, but his laughs and smiles were truly genuine while in the company of dogs.

There are thousands of moments that could be written about and told to help define Tim Fortune and his life, yet it would take a lifetime of knowing him to even begin to understand the capacity of his love. I’m fortunate enough to have known him my entire life and yet to this day I do not know the words that can accurately describe the love I have for him and the impact he has had on my life… So all I can say is… “This is Tim” and hope that anyone who has met him understands in their own way exactly what that means.
‘Tim Tim’ you will be missed but never forgotten and your legacy will live on forever.

We all love you.

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